Une femme buvant de l'eau à partir d'une bouteille, tenant un ventilateur pour se rafraîchir.

How much water do we really need during hot weather?

Hedonist Labs


As the mercury rises, understanding our water needs becomes a matter of survival. Increasingly frequent and intense heatwaves challenge us to rethink our water consumption to maintain our health and well-being. As the climate changes, it is vital to recognize and respond to the increased hydration demands of our bodies.



During heatwaves, how much water do we actually need to stay safe and healthy?



In a world facing increasingly frequent and intense heatwaves, the question of our real water needs during these periods of extreme heat becomes crucial.

Understanding these needs is essential to ensuring our well-being and health, as well as preventing the harmful consequences of dehydration.

Faced with rising temperatures and their impacts on public health, it is imperative to closely analyze our water needs to effectively adapt to these extreme weather conditions.







Understanding water needs during periods of extreme heat relies on several crucial factors:

  • Temperature: As the temperature rises, our body responds by sweating more to regulate its internal temperature. Sweating is an essential mechanism for cooling the body, but it also leads to significant water loss. Therefore, the hotter it gets, the more our water needs increase to compensate for this increased water loss.


  • Physical activity: During periods of heat, our level of physical activity can also influence our water needs. When we are active, whether through work, exercise, or other activities, our body produces even more heat, which leads to increased sweating and thus increased water loss. Therefore, it is crucial to consider our level of activity to adjust our water consumption accordingly and avoid dehydration.


  • Humidity: Atmospheric humidity can play an important role in our ability to regulate our body temperature. In case of high humidity, sweat may have difficulty evaporating from the skin, making it harder to regulate body temperature. Therefore, even if the temperature is not extremely high, high humidity can still increase our water needs to compensate for this difficulty in effectively cooling down.







Dehydration, especially during periods of extreme heat, poses serious health risks, including:




  • Heatstroke and heat exhaustion: Severe dehydration can lead to heatstroke or heat exhaustion, serious medical conditions that occur when the body fails to effectively regulate its internal temperature. Symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, confusion, red and hot skin, rapid breathing, and a fast pulse. Without immediate treatment, these conditions can lead to serious complications, even death.



  • Effects on vulnerable populations: Elderly people, children, and individuals with certain medical conditions are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of dehydration during periods of extreme heat. Elderly people may have a decreased sense of thirst and a reduced ability to regulate their body temperature, making them more likely to suffer from dehydration and associated complications. Similarly, children have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, making them more sensitive to dehydration. People with chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or kidney disorders may also be more vulnerable to the effects of dehydration due to their reduced ability to regulate body fluids. It is therefore essential to raise awareness among these populations about the risks of dehydration and ensure they have adequate access to water during periods of extreme heat.








Water needs vary according to demographic groups. Here is an assessment of recommendations and practices adapted to different groups:


  • Healthy adults: General recommendations for water consumption vary, but it is often recommended to drink about 2 to 3 liters of water per day for adult men and about 2 to 2.2 liters for adult women, including water from food and other beverages. However, during periods of heat, these recommendations can increase significantly due to increased sweating. Healthy adults are recommended to stay hydrated by drinking water regularly throughout the day, avoiding sugary drinks, and limiting alcohol consumption, which can increase dehydration.



  • Children: Children have specific water needs due to their smaller size and higher metabolic rate per unit of body weight. General recommendations vary depending on the child's age, but it is important to ensure they drink enough water throughout the day. During periods of heat, it is particularly important to monitor their water intake and encourage them to drink regularly, even if they do not necessarily feel thirsty. Parents should also ensure that their children have access to fresh, potable water, especially when playing outside or participating in physical activities.



  • Elderly people: Elderly people are more likely to suffer from dehydration due to age-related physiological changes, such as a decreased sense of thirst and a reduced ability to regulate body temperature. Additionally, common medical conditions among the elderly, such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, can increase the risk of dehydration. Therefore, it is essential that elderly people drink enough water throughout the day, even if they do not feel thirsty. Caregivers and family members should also be attentive to signs of dehydration in elderly people and ensure they have access to fresh, potable water at all times.







During periods of intense heat, it is essential to ensure adequate water intake. Here is an overview of different water sources and consumption recommendations:



  • Drinking water: Nothing replaces drinking water for maintaining hydration. Water is essential for many bodily functions, including temperature regulation and waste elimination. It is recommended to drink water regularly throughout the day, even before feeling thirsty. To maintain an adequate supply of drinking water, it is advised to always have access to fresh and clean water, whether at home, at work, or on the go.



  • Other beverages: Although water is the best option for hydration, certain beverages can also help maintain a good water balance. Drinks like natural fruit juices can provide electrolytes and vitamins in addition to hydration, but they can also be high in sugar, so it is important to consume them in moderation. Sports drinks can be useful for replacing electrolytes lost during intense physical activity, but they can also contain a lot of added sugar. Therefore, it is best to reserve them for situations where they are truly needed, such as after prolonged exercise.



  • Water-rich foods: Some foods are naturally rich in water and can contribute to our water intake. Fruits such as watermelon, melon, strawberries, and oranges have a high water content and can therefore help maintain hydration. Vegetables like cucumber, lettuce, and celery are also rich in water. Incorporating these foods into our daily diet during periods of heat can contribute to our water intake and overall hydration.






To stay hydrated during periods of heat, here are some strategies to consider:



  • Planning: It is essential to plan your day according to your hydration needs. Before going out, make sure you have access to drinking water. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and set regular reminders to drink water throughout the day. Also, try to limit prolonged exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day, when sweating and water needs are highest.



  • Awareness: Recognizing the signs of dehydration is crucial to taking preventive measures. Be attentive to symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. If you experience these symptoms, take immediate steps to rehydrate by drinking water and resting in the shade or a cool place.



  • Additional precautions: For those working outside or engaging in intense physical activities during periods of heat, additional precautions are necessary. Try to plan your work or physical exercise early in the morning or late in the day, when temperatures are cooler. Wear light and light-colored clothing that breathes well, and use a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun. Take regular breaks to hydrate and rest in the shade whenever possible. If you experience symptoms of overheating or dehydration, stop immediately and seek medical help if necessary.



It is imperative to encourage others to take similar measures and to raise awareness about the risks of dehydration during heatwaves. By staying hydrated and taking care of each other, we can all contribute to preventing dehydration-related complications and staying healthy, even in hot weather.





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