Travailleur de la construction se réhydratant sur un chantier. L'image met en avant l'importance de l'hydratation et de la sécurité pour maintenir la performance et prévenir les risques sur le lieu de travail.

Risks associated with lack of hydration in the construction industry

Hedonist Labs



Building buildings and roads is work that requires not only skill but also exceptional physical endurance. In the construction sector, where conditions can be particularly challenging, a seemingly minor detail like hydration can become a major issue. While safety is a priority, it is vital to recognize and manage the risks of dehydration to ensure the well-being and performance of workers.



How does dehydration impact the safety and efficiency of construction workers, and what strategies can be implemented to prevent it?




The construction sector is known for its dynamism and vital role in infrastructure development.

However, this field is also associated with often demanding and sometimes dangerous working conditions. Workplace safety is therefore of paramount importance in construction, where risks are numerous and varied.


Let us now focus on an essential aspect of workplace safety in construction: the risks related to lack of hydration. Although it may seem trivial, dehydration can have serious consequences on the health of construction workers and on site safety. In this context, we will examine the different aspects of this issue and the measures to be taken to prevent it effectively.








Hydration is an essential process for the proper functioning of the human body. It consists of the intake and maintenance of an adequate water level in the body. Water is indispensable for many biological functions, such as regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and eliminating waste.




The body's water needs vary according to different factors, including age, weight, physical activity level, and environmental conditions. In general, a healthy adult should drink about 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to maintain adequate hydration. However, in hot environments or during intense physical activity, these needs can increase significantly.



Dehydration, that is, a lack of water in the body, can have serious consequences on health and work performance. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, and confusion. In the most severe cases, dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and even damage to vital organs and death.

Furthermore, insufficient hydration can affect concentration, alertness, and coordination, thereby increasing the risk of accidents on construction sites.






In the construction sector, working conditions are often demanding and can expose workers to increased risks of dehydration. Construction sites are often outdoors, exposed to weather conditions, with high temperatures during the summer months. Moreover, physically demanding tasks, such as manual labor, carrying heavy loads, and handling tools and machinery, increase the body's water demand.


Lack of hydration in this context can lead to a decrease in physical and cognitive performance, thereby increasing the risk of accidents on construction sites. Dehydrated workers are more likely to make mistakes, lose concentration, and react more slowly to emergencies.


Although specific statistics on accidents caused by dehydration in construction may vary, several studies have highlighted the significant impact of this problem on workplace safety. Surveys have shown that dehydration was a contributing factor in many accidents and incidents on construction sites, highlighting the crucial importance of maintaining adequate hydration to prevent occupational risks in construction.







The lack of hydration on construction sites is exacerbated by environmental conditions such as high temperatures, humidity, and prolonged sun exposure. These factors increase water loss through sweating, thereby accelerating the risk of dehydration among construction workers.


It is crucial to raise awareness among both workers and employers about the risks associated with dehydration. Training on recognizing dehydration symptoms and preventive measures is essential to promote a culture of workplace safety.


To maintain adequate hydration on construction sites, workers are recommended to drink water regularly throughout the day, even if they do not feel thirsty, and to avoid beverages containing caffeine or alcohol, which can worsen dehydration.

Additionally, it is important to wear light and breathable clothing, take regular breaks in the shade, and provide cool and well-ventilated rest areas on construction sites. Employers also play a crucial role in providing easy access to drinking water on sites and encouraging a culture that values workers' health and safety.






In terms of occupational risk prevention, construction employers are subject to various legal obligations aimed at ensuring the safety and health of their workers, including preventing risks related to dehydration. According to current legislation, employers must:



- Implement prevention measures tailored to the specific conditions of each site, particularly regarding the prevention of heat and dehydration risks.


- Provide easy access to drinking water and encourage workers to drink regularly.


- Ensure adequate training on the risks of dehydration and preventive measures to take.


Employers have the responsibility to create a safe work environment and ensure that workers have the necessary resources to maintain adequate hydration throughout the day. On their part, workers have the responsibility to follow established safety guidelines, report any health issues related to heat or dehydration, and take measures to protect themselves, such as drinking enough water and wearing appropriate clothing.


Many construction companies have implemented measures to ensure good hydration for their employees. This may include providing water fountains on sites, distributing reusable water bottles, setting up regular breaks in the shade, and continuous awareness of the risks of dehydration. Some companies have also developed specific training programs to raise awareness among workers about the risks related to heat and dehydration, as well as preventive measures to adopt.





Case studies have highlighted the serious consequences of a lack of hydration in the construction sector, including cases of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and work accidents caused by reduced performance due to dehydration.


Construction workers have also shared their personal experiences of dehydration on the job, highlighting symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, as well as the difficulties encountered in maintaining adequate hydration during long workdays on sites.


These testimonies underscore the crucial importance for employers to take preventive measures to ensure good hydration for workers, such as providing drinking water on sites, raising awareness of the risks of dehydration, and encouraging regular breaks in the shade. Best practices also include training workers on recognizing dehydration symptoms and measures to take in case of a problem, as well as implementing a health monitoring system to quickly detect and treat cases of dehydration.




It is imperative that employers, workers, and public authorities collaborate to prevent risks related to a lack of hydration on construction sites. This requires the implementation of preventive measures such as raising awareness of dehydration risks, providing drinking water on sites, training workers on good hydration practices, and monitoring workers' health to quickly detect and treat cases of dehydration.

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