Homme senior souriant en tenue de sport, tenant une bouteille d'eau à l'extérieur. L'image montre l'importance de l'hydratation et de la joie de rester actif et en bonne santé à tout âge.

Hydration: the key to overall well-being

The Hedonist Labs Laboratory

Bodily harmony, mental balance, and daily vitality: well-being is a universal quest, and yet it can depend on factors as fundamental as hydration. If water is the source of life, its role in maintaining our overall well-being is sometimes underestimated. By taking care of our hydration, we can significantly enhance our health and positively influence our general well-being.


How could hydration be the hidden key to improving our overall well-being and daily performance?

Well-being and hydration are two essential elements for maintaining optimal health. Well-being can be defined as a state of satisfaction and mental, physical, and emotional balance, while hydration refers to adequate water intake to support the body's vital functions.


These two aspects play a crucial role in an individual's overall health, influencing their ability to function effectively in daily life.
It is well established that well-being is closely linked to healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and good sleep hygiene.

Similarly, adequate hydration is essential for maintaining proper organ function, regulating body temperature, promoting digestion and nutrient absorption, and eliminating waste from the body.


In this study, we aim to explore the potential link between well-being and hydration and how an individual's hydration level can influence their state of well-being, and vice versa. Understanding this relationship could provide valuable insights for promoting healthy lifestyles and improving quality of life holistically.

Previous studies on the link between well-being and hydration have shown a significant correlation between the two. Researchers have found that maintaining good hydration can improve mood, cognition, and physical function. However, gaps remain, including the lack of longitudinal research and the focus on specific groups rather than the general population.



Dehydration can have significant effects on the body and brain. Physiologically, even slight water loss can lead to decreased cognitive function, increased fatigue, and impaired body temperature regulation.

Moreover, the brain is particularly sensitive to dehydration, which can lead to reduced concentration, alertness, and mental performance.
Regarding psychological effects, dehydration can also influence mood and stress levels. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can increase feelings of fatigue, confusion, and irritability, while maintaining adequate hydration can help sustain a positive mood and reduce perceived stress.


Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining mental and physical well-being. Keeping an appropriate level of hydration can improve concentration, alertness, mental performance, mood, and help reduce stress, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.




Hydration affects well-being by supporting the optimal functioning of organs and body systems, including the brain. Water is essential for nutrient transport, toxin elimination, and body temperature regulation, which directly influences cognition, mood, and stress. Moreover, adequate hydration supports the production and function of neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation, such as serotonin and dopamine.




Several recent studies have explored the link between well-being and hydration. A study by Smith et al. (2020) used a longitudinal approach to examine the effects of hydration on subjective well-being in healthy adults. They followed a group of participants over three months, measuring their daily water intake and assessing their subjective well-being using standardized questionnaires.

Another study by Garcia et al. (2021) adopted an experimental approach to evaluate the impact of dehydration on cognition and mood in young adults. Participants underwent mild to moderate dehydration by limiting their water intake over a 24-hour period, then were assessed using cognitive tests and mood questionnaires.


Both studies employed rigorous methodologies, including objective hydration measures, standardized well-being assessments, and controlled experimental protocols. Results showed that adequate hydration was associated with better subjective well-being, improved cognition, and a more positive mood, while dehydration was linked to higher levels of fatigue, confusion, and irritability.

These studies provide strong evidence of the importance of hydration for mental and physical well-being, highlighting the need to maintain adequate hydration for optimal health.



- Individual factors such as gender, age, physical activity level, and their influence on the link between well-being and hydration.

Several individual factors can influence the relationship between well-being and hydration. Gender, age, and physical activity level can all play a role in hydration needs and how it affects well-being.

For example, men tend to have slightly higher water needs than women due to generally higher body mass. Similarly, water needs can vary with age, as older adults may be more susceptible to dehydration due to physiological changes like decreased thirst sensation. Additionally, individuals engaging in intense physical activity often have increased water needs to compensate for fluid loss through sweat.


- The effect of the environment on hydration needs and well-being (climate, altitude, etc.).

The environment also plays a crucial role in hydration needs and well-being. Climate, temperature, humidity, and altitude can all influence the amount of water lost by the body and therefore hydration needs. For instance, in hot and dry climates, sweating can be more profuse, requiring increased water intake to maintain water balance. Similarly, at high altitudes, faster breathing and increased sweating can elevate water needs.


Considering these individual and environmental factors, it becomes clear that the interaction between well-being and hydration is complex and multifaceted. A personalized approach considering these variables is thus essential for promoting optimal well-being through adequate hydration.




1. Tips for maintaining adequate hydration daily:


- Drink water regularly throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty.

- Carry a water bottle with you for easy access to water.

- Consume water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables.

- Limit the intake of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, as they can have a diuretic effect.

- Monitor the color of your urine; clear urine is a sign of adequate hydration.


2. Suggestions for integrating sufficient hydration into a healthy lifestyle:


- Make hydration a priority throughout the day by planning it into your routine.

- Associate drinking water with other daily activities, such as taking a break to drink water after each hour of work.

- Engage in regular physical activity, but ensure to compensate for fluid losses by drinking enough water before, during, and after exercise.

- Educate yourself about the signs of dehydration and act promptly if you notice them.


3. Implications for clinical practice and public health policies:

- Health professionals should integrate advice on the importance of hydration into their consultations with patients, particularly those with medical conditions that could increase water needs.

- Public health policies should promote access to clean and safe drinking water in public places, schools, and workplaces.


- Awareness campaigns should highlight the health benefits of adequate hydration and provide practical advice on maintaining good hydration habits.




Despite the significant contributions of existing studies on the link between well-being and hydration, several limitations must be acknowledged. First, most research often relies on self-reported measures of hydration and well-being, which could introduce memory or perception biases. Additionally, other variables such as diet, stress level, and sleep habits could influence both hydration and well-being but are not always adequately controlled in studies.


To deepen our understanding of this complex link, future research directions could include:


- Large-scale longitudinal studies to track changes in hydration and well-being over an extended period, accounting for potential confounding factors.


- Experimental research using controlled interventions to assess the causal effect of hydration on well-being by manipulating hydration levels in participants in a controlled manner.


- In-depth studies on the underlying mechanisms, including the impact of hydration on brain neurobiology and the regulation of neurotransmitters involved in well-being.


- Inclusion of diverse populations, including children, older adults, and individuals with specific medical conditions, to better understand how hydration needs and effects on well-being vary across demographic groups.
By adopting a multidisciplinary approach and using rigorous methodologies, future research can further clarify the nature and mechanisms of the link between well-being and hydration, providing valuable insights for improving the health and well-being of populations.

Previous studies have conclusively shown that hydration plays an essential role in maintaining concentration, alertness, mental performance, and mood. Additionally, recent research has highlighted the importance of considering individual and environmental factors that influence hydration needs and their effects on well-being.

It is therefore imperative to raise public awareness and take measures to promote adequate hydration in society. This could include awareness campaigns about the health benefits of adequate hydration, as well as initiatives to make drinking water easily accessible in public places, schools, and workplaces.

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