displays a person clutching their stomach, with a superimposed graphic illustrating the human digestive system, including the stomach and intestines.

Gastroenteritis and the day after a party? Similar symptoms...

We sometimes feel sick to our stomachs after drinking alcoholic beverages,
but why? Alcohol has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and promotes acid secretion, which can lead to nausea, gastric discomfort and diarrhea. Symptoms very similar to gastroenteritis! 


Similarities between gastroenteritis and hangovers


When alcohol is consumed, it moves to the stomach. With food in your stomach, the alcohol will be absorbed along with the nutrients from your meal by the cells in the stomach lining. This phenomenon slows down the digestion of alcohol.


If you haven't eaten, the alcohol will continue to travel to your small intestine, where it will also pass through the cells of the intestinal wall, but at a much faster rate. This explains why you feel more excited, and faster, when you drink on an empty stomach.


Scientists have found that consuming small amounts of alcohol has the effect of hastening the rate of digestion, resulting in the following gastroenteritis-like symptoms:

  • Diarrhea,
  • Abdominal cramps;
  • Nausea;
  • Dehydration
  • Vomiting.


The gastroenteritis is usually the result of an infection, but can also be caused by the ingestion of toxins.


As you can see, tummy aches can simply be the result of the day after a party, and other times it can be a case of gastroenteritis.



How to avoid alcohol-induced diarrhea?



  • If you experience diarrhea during or after drinking, the first thing to do is stop drinking until your digestion returns to normal. If you drink again, be aware that diarrhea may return.
  • Eat easily digestible foods to soothe your stomach.
  • Drink plenty of clear liquids, such as water, broth and juice, to compensate for fluid loss following diarrhea.
  • Avoid the following foods:


- Fibre-rich foods

- Dairy products

- High-fat foods

- Very spicy or seasoned foods


And finally, try out the HANG-OVER solution!



Often recommended by pharmacies as an effective remedy for the most common hangover symptoms thanks to its unique, natural formula, HANG-OVER also reduces nausea and vomiting and digestive discomfort thanks to the combination of vitamin B6 and ginger.


For optimum effectiveness, here are the different dosages according to symptoms: 

  • Preventive: 1 to 2 tablets before going to sleep and 1 to 2 on waking, depending on the severity of symptoms and degree of consumption. 
  • Curative: 2 tablets immediately and 2 more 12 hours later.


Dissolve in a large glass of water (50cl).

Consult your pharmacist for further details.

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