Une image montrant une feuille de papier déchirée avec les mots "FUN FACTS" visibles, suggérant des informations curieuses ou des anecdotes sur l'alcool.

11 fun facts about Alcohol

What You Didn't Know About Alcohol

1- Vikings had an affinity for alcohol; on victorious nights, they celebrated by drinking from the skulls of their enemies.

2- 12,000 years ago, our ancestors invented beer, making our good old brew the elder of bars.

3- During Prohibition, the U.S. government deliberately poisoned alcohol, causing the death of about 10,000 people.

4- The Manhattan Cocktail was crafted by Winston Churchill's mother.

5- The Russian government recognized beer as alcohol in 2013.

6- In 2019, the German government recognized hangovers as a reason for sick leave.

7- The origin of the word "toast" is Roman. From his perch, Bacchus observes a drunk man lose a piece of toasted bread in his wine. Never look too far, apparently.

8- The ancestor of the mercury thermometer is the brandy thermometer.

9- Alcohol makes me want to urinate a lot: Yes, it's normal; alcohol blocks the action of an antidiuretic component in our body. The opposite effect occurs, and we have to empty our bladder more frequently.

10- Aspirin helps fight hangover symptoms! No, quite the opposite. Aspirin inhibits the action of enzymes responsible for alcohol elimination present in the liver.

11- Over a lifetime, how much time do we spend recovering from a boozy night? In the UK, researchers explored this question with a sample of 2000 people aged 18 to 78. The results are surprising, as on average, we face this situation once a month. That's two entire years of our lives lost doing nothing. Days marked by decreased productivity, an inability to concentrate, and growing guilt. It's time to put an end to it. We don't want to give up the little pleasures life offers while still being the best version of ourselves. I invite you to try this new product developed by Hēdonist labs, Antidotē, which proves very useful in such situations.

It's time to combine pleasure and productivity!

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